London, you leave me speechless. I just spent the what-must-have-been most intense week of my life in your beautiful surroundings. It makes me want to experience London over and over again. Notting Hill Love Story…
Well, who would have thought I’d end up on Malta that quickly after all. Sometimes it just takes an offer that you simply cannot beat and two very spontaneous friends. And let me tell you,…
A recent encounter reminded me of my time in Ireland and motivated me to finally put my Ireland trip in writing. If you plan to travel to Ireland I might have some interesting tipps for…
‘Hey I saw you had these pancakes at the counter, I would like one of those!’ ‘Ehm those were the home-made Turkish Börek our chef’s mom uses to bring him to work.’ Well, hello Vienna, Lisa…
‘Ah cool, you’re going snowboarding? Where are you going?’ ‘Poland!’ ‘Ah okay…interesting. Well, let me know how it was.’ And here I am, letting everyone know how snowboarding in Poland was. Who knows me knows…